
PCCAT Membership Structure


At the 2019 AGM, the PCCAT membership participated in a strategic planning session on the future of the organization. One of the recommendations coming out of this session was a proposed change to the PCCAT membership structure. Due to COVID-19, the proposed changes were put on hold in 2020 and were brought forward and approved at the 2021 AGM.

As previously announced, in 2022, PCCAT’s membership moved away from an individual membership structure to an organizational membership structure similar to that of other organizations, such as ARUCC. This structure will help to advance PCCAT’s work to facilitate the implementation of policies and practices that support student mobility across Canada. This membership structure will aid in improving equity for participating institutions as one voting member will be permitted per institution. This change came into effect in the 2022-23 membership year and is effective ongoing.

PCCAT Membership Categories:

PCCAT’s membership structure is based on four membership categories (Institutional, Transfer Organization, Associate, and Student Members):

Institutional Member

Institutional Members may be any Canadian public postsecondary educational institution or Indigenous adult educational institution offering postsecondary programs. Private and out-of-country postsecondary institutions that have been authorized by Canadian provincial or territorial or federal governments to grant degrees in their jurisdiction, that are members of a provincial transfer or equivalent organization, and that are recognized by a Canadian or an international quality assurance body deemed appropriate by PCCAT may also be eligible for institutional membership. Institutional Members are eligible to participate actively in the work of PCCAT. While the number of designated representatives may vary depending upon the Institutional Membership Category, each Institutional Member has one vote on all matters brought before PCCAT. Membership shall fall under one of the following categories, determined by total operating revenue:

Institutional Member Category Total Operating Revenue (annual) Membership Fee (annual) # of Designated Representatives # votes
A $450M+ $250 Unlimited 1
B $200M – $449M $200 Up to 6 reps 1
C $100M – $199M $100 Up to 4 reps 1
D Less than $100M $75 Up to 2 reps 1

Transfer Organization Member

Transfer Organization Members are not-for-profit organizations or government units/agencies with jurisdictional responsibility for postsecondary education transfer (e.g. Provincial CATs, Government agencies and secretariats). A Transfer Organization Membership may include up to four designated representatives but is limited to only one vote on all matters brought before PCCAT.

Membership Type Membership Fee (annual) # of Designated Representatives # votes
Transfer Organization Member $100 Up to 4 reps 1

Associate Member

Associate Members are individuals, corporate, private organizations, or government departments with interest in the work of PCCAT. Not-for-profit organizations or professional membership associations within the postsecondary education sector in Canada are eligible. Individuals from postsecondary education institutions who do not hold an Institutional Membership but are interest in the work of PCCAT may hold an Associate Membership. Associate Members are non-voting.

Membership Type Membership Fee (annual) # of Designated Representatives # votes
Associate Member $50 1 Non-voting

Student Member

Full time students with interest in the work of PCCAT may hold a Student Membership. Student members are non-voting

Membership Type Membership Fee (annual) # of Designated Representatives # votes
Student Member $25 1 Non-voting

Current Members are eligible for a discount when registering for the PCCAT annual conference. Membership should be renewed annually for the current conference year.


Online membership purchase/renewal and conference registration is available on the PCCAT Conference page. For additional membership questions, please contact


2024 PCCAT Membership

All organizations listed below have renewed their PCCAT Membership for 2024.

Membership is due for Renewal annually before the annual conference in June – RENEW NOW.

ACAT Secretariat/Learner Pathways, Alberta
Advanced Education

Alberta Advanced Education

Athabasca University (AU)

Bow Valley College (BVC)

British Columbia Council on Admissions and Transfer (BCCAT)

Campus Manitoba (CMB)

Canadian Information Centre for International
Credentials (CICIC)

Council on Admission & Transfer for Nova
Scotia (CATNS)

Council of Ministers of Education (CMEC)

Douglas College

Durham College


Kwantlen Polytechnic University

Langara College

MacEwan University

Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer (ONCAT)

Red Deer Polytechnic (RDP)

Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT)

Saint Mary’s University (SMU)

Thompson Rivers University (TRU)

Trent University

University of Regina

Yukon University