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Provincial Councils on Credit Transfer to sign Memorandum


This news article submitted by ONCAT

Provincial Councils on Credit Transfer to sign
Memorandum of Understanding to Enhance Student Mobility in Canada

TORONTO, October 15, 2014  ̶  Provincial councils responsible for facilitating credit transfer activities in Alberta, BC, New Brunswick, and Ontario are signing a historic Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to enhance student mobility across their jurisdictions and on a pan-Canadian basis.

The MoU formalizes the intent of the Alberta Council on Admissions and Transfer (ACAT), the British Columbia Council on Admissions and Transfer (BCCAT), the New Brunswick Council on Articulations and Transfer (NBCAT), and the Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer (ONCAT) to further develop student pathways and reduce barriers for students who wish to transfer among Canadian colleges and universities.

The MoU emphasizes the leadership role of the provincial councils in establishing pan-Canadian partnerships to expand opportunities for students. Credit transfer plays a significant role in the provincial postsecondary sector, as signaled by the recent commitment of Canada’s college and university presidents to develop a framework for collaboration on student mobility.

The provincial councils are experienced at fostering collaboration among academic communities. In Ontario, ONCAT works with all 44 provincially funded postsecondary institutions to enhance information channels for students, help postsecondary institutions build enhanced pathways, and support knowledge gathering and research.

Through the MoU, ONCAT and the other provincial councils will broaden this collaboration to support the development of an effective and efficient credit transfer system that will span the entire country and expand opportunities for students nationwide.


“Since its establishment in 2011, ONCAT has worked with Ontario’s colleges and universities to enhance collaboration and develop a modern, forward-looking postsecondary education sector. Expanding transfer across Canada will help strengthen Ontario’s competitive advantage and highlights the province as an education destination of choice.”
– Mr. Dominic Giroux, Co-Chair, ONCAT and President & Vice-Chancellor of Laurentian University

“We are proud that ONCAT and its provincial counterparts are taking a leadership role in creating opportunities for students across Canada. With this new agreement, students will be able to access an even wider range of postsecondary experiences that contribute to their educational and career success.”
– Mr. Glenn Vollebregt, Co-Chair, ONCAT and President & CEO of St. Lawrence College

To learn more:





Read the Memorandum of Understanding.

Established in 2011, the Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer (ONCAT) was created to enhance academic pathways and reduce barriers for students looking to transfer among Ontario’s 44 publicly funded colleges and universities. As a member organization, it works with those institutions to develop transfer credit policies and practices to ease student mobility.

For details contact:

Lia Quickert
Communications Director, ONCAT
Telephone: 416-640-6951 x305
Cell: 416-986-2639
Email: Lia Quickert

ONCAT is funded by the Government of Ontario

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