PCCAT Forum Access and User Guide
We are excited to have you join us in the PCCAT Forum!
The forum will build new opportunities to connect via a community of practice with PCCAT members and those working in learner mobility across Canada.
There are two different groups within the Forum – one group for PCCAT Membership (for active PCCAT members only as a part of annual membership renewal) and one group for Transfer System Users (for transfer system users in their jurisdictions who directly manage transfer or pathways data or who take part in articulation).
User access to each of these groups will be provided to participants via email invitation from PCCAT. Access invitations will be confirmed based on annual PCCAT Membership renewal, and in dialogue with your jurisdiction’s Council on Admissions/Articulation and Transfer or like body in Canada (CAT), based on their existing transfer system users’ membership lists.
A brief PCCAT Forum User Guide is provided to assist you in getting started once you receive a Forum invitation email.
Projects and Resources
PCCAT appreciates efforts by CATs, institutions, and other organizations to create resources that support learner pathways and mobility.
Reports and Research
- ARUCC/PCCAT Projects
- ARUCC PCCAT Transcript and Transfer Credit Study Phase Two: Consultation Findings (2015)
- ARUCC PCCAT Transcript and Transfer Credit Nomenclature Study: An Examination of Current Practices at Canadian Postsecondary Organizations (2014)
- PCCAT Research Study: Student Mobility in Canada Across Canadian Jurisdictions (2012)
Canada – Councils on Admissions/Articulations and Transfer and Like Bodies (CATs)
- Alberta Council on Admissions and Transfer (ACAT)
- British Columbia Council on Admissions & Transfer (BCCAT)
- Credit transfer between Quebec universities
- Campus Manitoba (CMB)
- Councils on Admissions/Articulations and Transfer of Canada Network (CATCan Network)
- Council on Admission and Transfer for Nova Scotia (CATNS)
- Council on Articulations and Transfer of New Brunswick (CATNB)
- Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer (ONCAT)
- Saskatchewan Transfer Credit and Learner Pathway Council (STCLPC)
Canada – Pan-Canadian Protocols and Statements on Transfer
- CMEC Ministerial Statement on Credit Transfer in Canada
- CMEC Pan-Canadian Protocol on the Transferability of University Credits
Protocol adopted by most Canadian universities, which refers to the recognition of and credit for all course work completed by transfer students during the first two years of university study in Canada [including the final year of studies leading to a diploma of college studies (DCS) in Quebec and the university transfer courses offered by community colleges and university colleges in British Columbia and Alberta]. - PCCAT Memorandum of Understanding to Enhance Student Mobility in Canada
MoU signed by seven CATs in Canada to enhance student mobility across jurisdictions and Canada. - Pan-Canadian Protocol on the Transferability of Learning
Protocol signed by members of the Association of Canadian Community Colleges, which refers to the transfer of credits earned at colleges and institutes. - Polytechnics Canada
Protocol adopted by the Canadian Public Polytechnic Institutes regarding mobility and transfer.
Learner Pathways and Mobility-Related Organizations
- The Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials (CICIC)
- Canadian PESC User Group (CanPESC User Group)
- International Credential Assessment Service of Canada (ICAS)
- International Credential Evaluation Service (ICES)
- International Qualifications Assessment Service (IQAS)
- World Education Services Canada (WES)
United States
- American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (ACCRAO)
- The National Institute for the Study of Transfer Students (NISTS) exists to improve the lives of transfer students. Through education, research, and advocacy, we support professionals who directly serve transfer students, as well as those who create transfer policy and conduct transfer-related research.
- Minnesota Transfer: website has links to many other US transfer sites, as well as to a variety of resources about transfer in the US and elsewhere.
- Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE)